10 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a highly effective technique for removing cancerous skin growths. It involves removing thin layers of tissue one at a time, examining each layer microscopically until all cancerous cells are eliminated. While minimally invasive, Mohs surgery does create a wound that requires careful aftercare for optimal healing. At Allura Skin & Laser Center, the team of dermatologic surgeons prioritizes patient comfort and successful recovery. Undergoing any surgery can be stressful, and recovering from Mohs surgery is no exception. Keep reading to learn 10 tips to help ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery from Mohs surgery! 1. Manage Pain … Continue reading

How to Care For Your Skin After Mole Removal


Mole removal is a common procedure that removes unwanted or suspicious moles. While it is typically a simple and safe outpatient procedure, proper aftercare is crucial for optimal healing and minimizing the risk of complications. Keep reading to learn more about how to properly care for your skin after mole removal! What to Expect After Mole Removal The immediate post-procedure experience can vary depending on the type of mole removal technique used. However, there are some common expectations. Minor Bleeding: Minor bleeding is common immediately after mole removal. Your doctor will apply pressure to stop any bleeding and provide instructions … Continue reading

Why Mohs Surgery is the Gold Standard for Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer affects more Americans than all other cancers. The good news is that most skin cancers have a high cure rate when detected and treated early. Mohs surgery is one of the most effective treatments with the best outcomes for skin cancer. Keep reading to learn more about Mohs surgery and why it is the gold standard for skin cancer treatment.

3 Warning Signs of Melanoma Dermatologists Wish You Knew and Didn’t Ignore

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. One in every five Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. While melanoma is the least common type of skin cancer, it’s the most dangerous. If caught and treated early, melanoma is almost always curable. Keep reading to learn more about melanoma and the three warning signs of melanoma dermatologists wish you knew and didn’t ignore. What Is Melanoma? Melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer, is a malignant tumor that begins in the melanocytes. Melanocytes are tiny cells that produce melanin, the pigment responsible for giving skin … Continue reading

San Mateo, CA dermatologist explains types of skin cancer and treatment options

Doctor examining female patient with magnifier in clinic

Our skin is our largest organ and is also the one that is most exposed. Our skin possesses the unique trait of being in contact with both external and internal elements, which can have a profound impact on its health. While many patients seek the care of a dermatologist for aesthetic concerns, it is extremely important to monitor the skin regularly for signs of skin cancer. Skin cancer will affect nearly one out of five Americans at some point, which is why it’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms. At Allura Skin & Laser Center in San Mateo, CA, … Continue reading